1st Choice Intake Form

1st Choice Intake Form

1st Choice Sports Rehab Intake Form Today's Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Name:* First Last Date of Birth:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Age: Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or Above Prefer Not to Answer...

Building Your Personalized Training Plan

Building Your Personalized Training Plan by Lauren Cortjens, DC, CCSP Deciding how to train for a goal, race, or distance can be confusing. How far should I run each day? Should I incorporate strength training? What’s all this buzz about “HIIT” training? How much...

Foam Rolling for Runners

Foam Rolling for Runners with Dr. Lauren Cortjens Foam Rolling the Adductors Dr. Lauren Cortjens Dr. Cortjens explains why adductors are often thought of as the forgotten group of leg muscles. When the quads, hamstrings and gluteus muscles are all begging for...