Foam Rolling for Runners with Dr. Lauren Cortjens

Foam Rolling the Adductors

Dr. Lauren Cortjens

Dr. Cortjens explains why adductors are often thought of as the forgotten group of leg muscles. When the quads, hamstrings and gluteus muscles are all begging for attention its easy to overlook the adductors. The adductors are hard to address but if ignored these muscle that are assist in BOTH flexion and extension can lead to knee, hip or sacro-iliac pain. Make the adductor group a part of your leg home therapy routine and you’ll maximize the effectiveness of your foam rolling efforts.

Foam Rolling for Quadriceps Mobility

Dr. Lauren Cortjens

The quadriceps is a group of four large muscles in the front portion of the thigh. Any runner or other serious athlete will at some point experience quad issues. Dr. Lauren Cortjens demonstrates some highly effective ways to address Quadriceps issues.

Foam Rolling for IT Band Mobility

Dr. Lauren Cortjens

The IT band is a crucial but often ignored part of the thigh. IT problems can lead to knee pain and instability. Dr. Cortjens demonstrates very effective (but sometimes uncomfortable) ways to minimize IT band issues.

Foam Rolling the Gluteus Muscle Group

Dr. Lauren Cortjens

Dr. Cortjens demonstrates foam rolling for the gluteus muscle group. The gluteus muscles are important for producing forward propulsion. In runners they can be subject to tight and tender areas that inhibit their proper function.

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